Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic Gripe #1

The local television station that holds the broadcast rights to the Olympic Games has, quite predictably I suppose, brought a slew of complaints onto themselves after only 2 days of action. They simply refuse to tell their viewers what time the events will be aired and it is seriously pissing everyone off. They’re playing the old “coming up is the swimming finals” game with us, advertising the upcoming events all day but not revealing exactly when the events will be on.

Now, I’m well aware that the TV station wants to keep as many people as they can watching for as long as possible, so to keep everyone hanging around for the promise of a big event is in their interest. But you piss people off long enough and it eventually comes back to bite you in the arse.

Speaking for myself, I’m happy to record the Games and fast forward to the bits I want to see, after all, because the IOC has decided to screw with the 2008 Olympic swimming program (stuff the athletes, as long as the Americans get to watch it in prime time that’s all that counts!!!) the swimming finals are on while I’m at work. So run your ads, I don’t care, when you’re zooming along at 30x normal speed on fast forward, you don’t really take all that much in.

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