Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008 Blah

As is traditional at our house we do not celebrate Mother’s Day (or Father’s Day for that matter). We sneer at the saps who have been conned by the retailing industry into forking out even more money on gifts. So if you’re a believer, consider yourself sneered at. My opinion of you just went down a notch…ya sap!

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I washed both the cars today. It must have been around, oh I don’t know, 6 months since I last pulled the chamois out and cleaned off the road grime. I’m not what you might call car proud, but they both desperately needed the spruce up. There are now a host of spiders that are homeless thanks to my hard work.

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My weekend run was next on the agenda today. I started at just after 10:30 which is around 4 hours later than when I would normally start, but I needed the sleep in and with perfect autumn running weather at the moment, the conditions were absolutely perfect for a nice long run.

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Back at home and with lunch out of the way, it was time to finish cleaning up the massive pile of palm fronds that were still lying around after yesterday’s epic battle. I stuffed as many as I could into the garden waste recycling bin before I realised that the more practical solution was to pull out the shredder and put the rest of them through. Two garbage bins worth of mulch was the result and that has been spread under the mandarin tree. Pretty silly really, I spent a helluva long time chopping up palm fronds when I could have just shoved them through the shredder and been done with it.

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This left just enough time to spend about an hour kicking the soccer ball around with the kids in the front yard. Although I’ve got to say, the energy levels were pretty much flagging by late afternoon. A quick tidy up in the backyard was necessary though because the deck guy comes tomorrow to begin work on a brand new pool deck.

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