Friday, July 11, 2008

A Catch Up

I’ve let things slide for a few weeks as work has taken over somewhat, not to worry I’ll just pick up again where I can. Winter seems to have hit us, such that it is here in Sydney. We tend to get a bit shivery when the temperature drops below 18 degrees Celsius. I suppose when you’re acclimatised to temperatures in the mid to high 30s in summer you’re allowed to complain about how freezing it is in weather most would consider mild.

A quick word on World Youth Day that is about to take over our city next week. I can’t recall an event or a concept that has given me the irrits as much as WYD SYD has and it hasn’t even started in earnest yet. Personally I would like to simply press the fast forward button and have it all behind me already. A bunch of religious nuts (and Tykes at that) wandering around the city expressing the goodwill to all humanity is almost more than my stomach can take. The fact that the event is going to significantly affect my movement into and around Sydney for the next week only makes me more resentful of the entire thing. And as for the tacky merchandise we’re being subjected to…Pope on a Place? Spare me.